Specimens (iii)


The images for these new imaginary bio-acoustic phenomena show the waveform activity of the five LFOs over about a 10-15 second time period. The images I uploaded in the previous Specimens post, were of the final audio waveform. So there is a much stronger correlation between the auditory percept and the visual image of the audio waveform, than there is here between the audio percept and these X-ray-like images. A relatively sparse sounding call, is revealed in these overlayed images to be the result of quite dense and busy LFO activity, as in sound 19422501 for example. In these images all the activity is given equal weight, showing the auditory manifestation to be only a small part of the overall behaviour. I quite like the idea that they are images of sonic dark matter, the invisible stuff that outweighs visible matter in the universe by a ratio of 6:1.

Humans base the criteria for intelligence in animals on what we can relate to i.e. the more similar they are to us the more intelligent. The idea of intelligent life in science-fiction is treated in the same manner. What if these attributes that we discover in animals are merely glimpses, or fleetingly resonant standing waves, that occur when one tiny fraction of the mass of animal dark matter happens to coincide with a tiny fraction of our own?

I get the image of two enormous irregularly polygonal black shapes, slowly rotating in the darkness of the void, resonating occasionally, and by chance, when two faces briefly come into alignment.

More of this to come…